Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Hello. Hope every one's doing well and all.
I've decided to talk about something rather vague today. About something incredibly close to my heart, and I'm sure all of yours as well.
Something revolutionary, beautiful, amazing, you get the point.

 Today, I'm going to talk about art. I'm going to talk about the thing, the power that has shaped our world from the very, very beginning until now. And which, hopefully, will continue to be so influential for generations to come.
  As human beings, we've always needed entertainment, excitement. Whether that came in the form of stories taught and shared from second daughter to second daughter, or something like that, or Kim Kardashians ass.
Slaves singing songs of freedom and mercy, or children doodling ideas in their sketch books that might be inspiration for them to make that doodle real one day.
 We've always been smart enough, to have fun, and beauty, even when the only things we could use to create this beauty were our brains, our hearts and our hands.
  It's amazing, and it's priceless, because, there was a time believe it or not, where art wasn't paid for so highly.
 Where songs were just sung, not fought over by dozens of artists at a time, and paintings were painted to preserve histories, and stories. Not to gain profit.
 And believe me, I intend to make money off of my writing, my poetry, my music, and my paintings and drawings. But it's just weird, and kind of intriguing to think about a time, on this Earth where it wasn't like that at all.
 Where people shared their talents without really expecting praise, or money, or to be put up higher than every one else.

We could all learn from our ancestors.

I mean, sure, most of them were crazy, blood thirsty, war loving ass holes, but they got a few things right.

Art changed through the years, and we started putting more into ideas.
Poetry, theater. music, pottery, paintings, and so, so much more. Everywhere.
It blended into different cultures, and spread to different countries. Like language did, because numbers and letters were nothing but abstract ideas in the mind of a cave man at first.
Everything was.

Today things are even more different, obviously. Like everything else we still have now, art grew imencly, into this major part of our daily lives. Music, radios, phones, television. And places to share all of it, social media, and cars, and planes, and trains, that get us there so we can see it with our own eyes.
I don't know if it's better, but now, art is just valued differently. The way everything is valued, with money.
 W e live in a world now, where money, even more than all that time ago, often defines what is and what is not valuable. We all know how much money art, no matter the type brings in to the people in charge. It's still important, and it always will be.

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